Thursday Doors – Algarve

I always spent my summer holidays in the Algarve and even when I moved to Scotland I kept doing it. Summer is not summer if I don’t get my feet in that soft white sand and on the, hopefully, warm sea. Realistically, there will be no such thing this year. When we have memories, including photographic ones, there’s a bit more comfort to help us by. This door is typical in the Algarve, there’s the blue and white tiles (azulejos) panel above it with a religious scene, the hand shaped door knobs and the coloured borders of doors, windows and walls to ward off evil spirits. So simple, so full of meaning and memories too.

Posted for Norm’s Thursday Doors

12 thoughts on “Thursday Doors – Algarve

  1. Yes it’s going to be a while before international travel feels safe, but you seem to have lots of wonderful memories and some beautiful shots to keep us all distracted and amused 😉
    Thanks for sharing this.

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  2. I loved visiting Algarve in the summers years ago too. It is a beautiful place to take a deep breath and reconnect with yourself. I had forgotten about the door handles. Loved the chance to remember. Thank you. Donna

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