Friendly Friday – Time Capsule

I was born in an old country, where there is bits of history around every corner. Whole sections of Lisbon are time capsules if we look closer. The Alfama district is the oldest part, with buildings from the 16th century still standing, in narrow winding streets. Downtown shows urban planning 18th Century style. These buildings in the photo above are over 250 years old and I am so used to them I take them for granted. Very different people lived in them a long time ago but they saw the same view when they looked through their windows.

Although there are time capsules everywhere, I’ll focus on my favourite indoor one, at the Palácio da Ajuda in Lisbon. One of the last Royal residence, it is one of those places where you do feel you’re time travelling, the place being so full of personal mementos and a lived in feel.

It’s a snapshot of a royal family in the turn of the 20th Century, a part of history I find so fascinating, with examples of early photography and one of the first bathrooms with hot water plumbing. Such an exciting time to be alive and done with care and beauty.

It would be all over in 1910, when the country became a Republic. Royal family exiled and Portugal moved on, to other adventures and other time capsules along the way. I do like the fact we kept them although politically we changed. From monarchy to a dictatorship and then to freedom and democracy, there’s always something to remind us where we’re coming from. And to shows the way where we can go.

Posted for Amanda’s Friendly Friday Challenge

6 thoughts on “Friendly Friday – Time Capsule

  1. Fantastic, Sofia! I suspect you knew I would relish seeing these photographs. Such a sumptuous interior, it looks so cosy and traditional. I absolutely love the first photograph of the stork/flamingo-like bird with the ornate screen. You did a great job in capturing that shot given the backlight was stronger. Would you consider it Art Nouveau? If so I suspect you would love the architecture and interior decoration in Alesund, Norway. The whole town was rebuilt in this period after a catastrophic fire.
    This post does make me so keen to visit Portugal and Lisbon, one day. So I can experience the time capsule for myself. Thanks ever so much for joining in again with the Friendly Friday Challenge. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed them. Again, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I do always feel amazed when I go there. The screen could be Art Nouveau, it fits the time frame and style. The whole room is the closest to the movement in the palace, everything else is very Victoriana.
      Alesund looks so nice, Brussels is another city worth visiting for Art Nouveau as is Vienna, of course. On my list of places to visit!


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